

- We Will Re-Adjust You.

A teenage boy is sent to a juvenile reform facility in the wilderness. As we learn about the tragic events that sent him there, his struggle becomes one for survival with the inmates, counselors, and the retired war colonel in charge.

Release Date : 2013-06-12

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Gare Farrand EntertainmentFlying Pig ProductionsSkipping Stone EntertainmentMooseBoy

Production Country : United States of America

Alternative Titles :


P.J. Boudousqué

Character Name : Brad Lunders

Original Name : P.J. Boudousqué

Gender : Male

James C. Burns

Character Name : Colonel Frank Reichert

Original Name : James C. Burns

Gender : Male

Chris Petrovski

Character Name : Gabriel Nunez

Original Name : Chris Petrovski

Gender : Male

Octavius J. Johnson

Character Name : Jonas Williams

Original Name : Octavius J. Johnson

Gender : Male

Stephanie Simbari

Character Name : Erin Rose

Original Name : Stephanie Simbari

Gender : Female

Mackenzie Sidwell Graff

Character Name : Casey

Original Name : Mackenzie Sidwell Graff

Gender : Male

Clayton LaDue

Character Name : Trevor

Original Name : Clayton LaDue

Gender : Male

Scott MacArthur

Character Name : Gillis

Original Name : Scott MacArthur

Gender : Male

Raquel Gardner

Character Name : Doris Lunders

Original Name : Raquel Gardner

Gender : Female

Douglas Bennett

Character Name : Dr. William Jenson

Original Name : Douglas Bennett

Gender : Male

Tommy Nash

Character Name : Powell

Original Name : Tommy Nash

Gender : Male

Stephen Todt

Character Name : Inmate

Original Name : Stephen Todt

Gender : Male

David Hill

Character Name : Police Officer

Original Name : David Hill

Gender : Male

Bailey Anne Borders

Character Name : Holly

Original Name : Bailey Anne Borders

Gender : Female

Nicholas Ashe Bateman

Character Name : Josh Warrick

Original Name : Nicholas Ashe Bateman

Gender : Male

Chauncey Leopardi

Character Name : Eddie

Original Name : Chauncey Leopardi

Gender : Male

Josh Kelling

Character Name : John

Original Name : Josh Kelling

Gender : Male

Zach Selwyn

Character Name : Cross

Original Name : Zach Selwyn

Gender : Male






> When a reform camp becomes a torture chamber... The concept was inspired by the real, but I was not expecting a camp like this practically exist. I mean, I'm familiar with juvenile detention and reform centres, not something like this. It was more like an another American thing, especially for kids with the tough attitude and of course who are a junkie. The institution is not the issue, but privatisation was the. You might have heard it a million times that PJ Boudousque was looked alike Ryan Gosling. I thought he was related to him, but he was not. Anyway, it was a perfect launch, might have not an overwhelmed movie, but he got a chance to appear in a proficient role for the first time in front of the camera. A fair quality product for half a million budgets. Slightly a weak narration, especially after a fine first and third act, I felt something was missing in between. I was anticipating a strong conclusion, but it was way stronger and unexpectedly a violent just like 'Bellflower'. I think worth a watch if you limit your expectation. 6½/10