
Sexe, magouilles et culture générale


Franck Petit, an unscrupulous and vulgar producer, has been in charge of "Culture pour tous", a very popular game show, for years. But for some time now, the ratings have been dropping significantly. Paulette is responsible for this, a contestant who has been winning for eighteen weeks and who no longer appeals to viewers, whether they are housewives, teenagers or even young dynamic executives. A solution is needed to solve the problem: eliminate her. To achieve this, Frank Petit decides to use all means, even the most vile, hoping to impose, instead, the young and sultry Cindy.

Release Date : 2001-06-11

Language :French

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Laurent Baffie Productions

Production Country : France

Alternative Titles :


Daniel Russo

Character Name : Franck Petit, game's producer

Original Name : Daniel Russo

Gender : Male

Pascal Sellem

Character Name : Stéphane Lecoeur, game presenter

Original Name : Pascal Sellem

Gender : Male

Mado Maurin

Character Name : Paulette, candidate

Original Name : Mado Maurin

Gender : Female

Karine Lyachenko

Character Name : Cindy, blonde candidate

Original Name : Karine Lyachenko

Gender : Female

Laurent Baffie

Character Name : JP, warm up act

Original Name : Laurent Baffie

Gender : Male


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