
A Very Unsettled Summer


A man becomes lured into a fictional game his ex-girlfriend has initiated. Sexually ensnared by her, and now realizing the fragility of the border between the real and the imagined, he begins to unravel. He convinces himself that if he can only write an ending to his life story, he can regain control of his life. But playing with fiction is not an innocent game…

Release Date : 2013-11-01

Language :RomanianEnglish

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country :

Alternative Titles :


Jamie Sives

Character Name : Daniel

Original Name : Jamie Sives

Gender : Male

Ana Ularu

Character Name : Maria

Original Name : Ana Ularu

Gender : Female

Kim Bodnia

Character Name : Alex

Original Name : Kim Bodnia

Gender : Male

Diana Cavallioti

Character Name : Irina

Original Name : Diana Cavallioti

Gender : Female


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