DramaCrimeMysteryTV Movie

Hart to Hart: Till Death Do Us Hart


On a mission of mercy, Jennifer Hart is in Germany to donate bone marrow to Maximilian, a young leukemia patient. Following the operation, she plans to spend a romantic anniversary in Munich with her husband Jonathan. The bone marrow clinic's director, Peter Donner, is surprised by Jennifer's uncanny resemblance to his French fiancée, Simone Grohe. When she goes missing, Jennifer steps in to play the role of Simone to save Peter the embarrassment of an explanation to his cousin and benefactor Karl von Ostenberg at the lavish engagement party. But, of course, it is Karl who kidnapped Simone - in order to control the fate of Peter's inheritance - and now Jennifer is in as much danger as Simone! Once again the Harts tackle danger and mystery with their usual devil-may-care charm and romance

Release Date : 1996-08-25

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Columbia Pictures TelevisionFamily Channel

Production Country : United States of America

Alternative Titles :


Robert Wagner

Character Name : Jonathan Hart

Original Name : Robert Wagner

Gender : Male

Stefanie Powers

Character Name : Jennifer Hart

Original Name : Stefanie Powers

Gender : Female

George Hamilton

Character Name : Karl Von Ostenberg

Original Name : George Hamilton

Gender : Male

Katja Riemann

Character Name : Elsa Hellerstadt

Original Name : Katja Riemann

Gender : Female

Dwight Schultz

Character Name : Peter Donner

Original Name : Dwight Schultz

Gender : Male

Götz Otto

Character Name : Heinrich

Original Name : Götz Otto

Gender : Male

Nellis Du Biel

Character Name : Friedrich

Original Name : Nellis Du Biel

Gender : Male

Angela Roy

Character Name : Dr. Detmeier

Original Name : Angela Roy

Gender : Female

Lukas Langer

Character Name : Maximilian

Original Name : Lukas Langer

Gender : Male

Dirty Harry

Character Name : Freeway

Original Name : Dirty Harry

Gender : Male

Ursula Ludwig

Character Name : Aunt Edna

Original Name : Ursula Ludwig

Gender : Female

Andreas Wimberger

Character Name : Erwin

Original Name : Andreas Wimberger

Gender : Male

Andreas Wimberger

Character Name : Mrs. Straus

Original Name : Andreas Wimberger

Gender : Male






The best till last - I'd say 'Hart to Hart: Till Death Do Us Hart' is my standout of the 'Hart to Hart' film series. It's still, like the preceding seven installments, not good. However, there are definitely parts I didn't mind and kinda liked. When I initially saw what they were doing with the plot I was, you could say, doubly unsure, but after it got going and by the end I almost enjoyed it. There's one 'beauty' of a twist at one point, while it also has an amusing joke right at the death. Robert Wagner and Stefanie Powers, for the final time as Jonathan and Jennifer, are sweet together. George Hamilton is a hit-and-miss in his role, yet is satisfactory all in all for what he gives. The support cast are alright - basic, but alright. Despite the fact that I'd class none of these eight productions as good, I actually enjoyed watching them all - if only on a respectful level, thanks to the two leads, rather than anything to do with what the films produce onscreen.