MysteryCrimeDramaTV Movie

Hart to Hart: Harts in High Season


One of the final entries in the series of romantic suspense adventures takes Jennifer and Jonathan Hart off to Sydney, Australia, where they plan to purchase a wildlife reserve from Jennifer’s old flame, the handsome and mysterious Elliott Manning.Manning challenges Jonathan, and their old rivalry is rekindled, with Hart besting Manning every time. When Manning begins to behave strangely toward Jennifer, a series of disturbing events reveals that this rivalry is no longer so good-natured, and the Harts find themselves bait in a trap.

Release Date : 1996-01-01

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : MTM EnterprisesColumbia Pictures Television

Production Country : United States of America

Alternative Titles :


Stefanie Powers

Character Name : Jennifer Hart

Original Name : Stefanie Powers

Gender : Female

Robert Wagner

Character Name : Jonathan Hart

Original Name : Robert Wagner

Gender : Male

James Brolin

Character Name : Elliott Manning

Original Name : James Brolin

Gender : Male

Ursula Karven

Character Name : Lisa Brandt

Original Name : Ursula Karven

Gender : Female

Scott McRae

Character Name : Johnny

Original Name : Scott McRae

Gender : Male

Simon Westaway

Character Name : Bully

Original Name : Simon Westaway

Gender : Male

Paul Goddard

Character Name : Harry

Original Name : Paul Goddard

Gender : Male






Not sure about this one: kinda good, kinda bad? 'Hart to Hart: Harts in High Season' does things positively and negatively. I quite like the villain in this one, played by James Brolin, but the overall plot is closer to being awful than anything worth seeing. Yet, I still found it alright to watch. It probably levels out to be an OK film. Robert Wagner and Stefanie Powers remain a welcoming sight in the lead roles, while the Australian surroundings keep things interesting in that respect. I also found the score to be a slight, very slight, improvement in places. Next up? The finale to this octet-logy!