Day breaks on the eighth floor in a suburban neighbourhood of Lisbon and 14-year-old David’s grandfather is still in hospital. Doctors give him only a few days to live. The imminence of death and the void that it will leave force David to become the man of the house, where he lives with his mother Mónica, who is in her 30s, and his three-year-old sister.
Release Date : 2015-12-31
Language :Portuguese
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : Filmes do Tejo IILes Films de l'Après-Midi
Production Country : FrancePortugal
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : David
Original Name : David Mourato
Gender : Male
Character Name : Paulinha
Original Name : Cheyenne Domingues
Gender : Male
Character Name : Cris
Original Name : Ana Cris
Gender : Male
Character Name :
Original Name : Mia Tomé
Gender : Female
Character Name :
Original Name : Rodrigo Perdigão
Gender : Male
Character Name : Gustavo
Original Name : Carloto Cotta
Gender : Male
Character Name : Mónica
Original Name : Maria João Pinho
Gender : Female
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