High school student Ha-Na experiences trouble sleeping after her classmate Jin-A committed suicide. Not being able to sleep, Ha-Na sees her parents fighting. The next day, her parents act like nothing happened the night before. She doesn't like her parents hypocritical behavior. Around this time, Se-Mi, a senior in the band club, approaches Ha-Na. Ha-Na begins to act differently, but she becomes to regret her behavior. A rumor spreads about her and she becomes the target of bullies.
Release Date : 2014-10-16
Language :Korean
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company :
Production Country : South Korea
Alternative Titles : Compassion
Character Name : Kim Dae-hyeon
Original Name : Kimchoi Yong-joon
Gender : Male
Character Name : Jeong Ha-na
Original Name : Lee Cheong-mi
Gender : Female
Character Name : Kim Sang-tae
Original Name : 정민성
Gender : Male
Character Name : Mr. Jo
Original Name : Park Jeong-sik
Gender : Male
Character Name : Composer
Original Name : 임재근
Gender : Male
Character Name : Se-mi
Original Name : Jeong Seong-hee-I
Gender : Male
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