
Femmes de personne


Cécile, a single mother, contrives to meet Gilquin, the married father of a classmate of her nearly-adolescent son. An affair ensues. Isabelle, approaching middle age with two children, discovers she's pregnant, goes into a funk, and arranges for a younger woman to seduce her husband. Adeline is distraught at her ex-lover's plan to leave France. The three women are colleagues at a radiology clinic. They come to each other's aid, but each must decide on her own what course to take: Cécile with Gilquin, Isabelle with her husband, and Adeline with her solitude.

Release Date : 1984-03-14

Language :French

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : France 3 CinémaT. Films

Production Country : France

Alternative Titles :


Marthe Keller

Character Name : Cecile

Original Name : Marthe Keller

Gender : Female

Jean-Louis Trintignant

Character Name : Michel Gilquin

Original Name : Jean-Louis Trintignant

Gender : Male

Philippe Léotard

Character Name : Antoine

Original Name : Philippe Léotard

Gender : Male

Caroline Cellier

Character Name : Isabelle

Original Name : Caroline Cellier

Gender : Female

Fanny Cottençon

Character Name : Adeline

Original Name : Fanny Cottençon

Gender : Female

Elisabeth Etienne

Character Name : Julie

Original Name : Elisabeth Etienne

Gender : Female

Jacques Charby

Character Name :

Original Name : Jacques Charby

Gender : Male


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