

- Haunting intrigue... A shock to your system!!!

A paranoid writer is unable to get started on his second novel. He hires a secretary and then his troubles really begin.

Release Date : 1976-03-01

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Norfolk International Pictures

Production Country : United Kingdom

Alternative Titles : Trauma


Udo Kier

Character Name : Paul Martin

Original Name : Udo Kier

Gender : Male

Linda Hayden

Character Name : Linda

Original Name : Linda Hayden

Gender : Female

Fiona Richmond

Character Name : Suzanne

Original Name : Fiona Richmond

Gender : Female

Patsy Smart

Character Name : Mrs. Aston

Original Name : Patsy Smart

Gender : Female

Vic Armstrong

Character Name : Big Youth

Original Name : Vic Armstrong

Gender : Male

Karl Howman

Character Name : Small Youth

Original Name : Karl Howman

Gender : Male

Sydney Knight

Character Name : Smedley

Original Name : Sydney Knight

Gender : Male

Brian Smedley-Aston

Character Name : Simon Hindstatt

Original Name : Brian Smedley-Aston

Gender : Male






This is a pretty cool lil exploitation flick that has a certain atmosphere that you only find in some UK based films from that era. The characterisation and scenery has a way about it that I don't find elsewhere, though this one has a meaner streak than most which caused it to be the only British film to earn a place on the official 'video nasties' list in the early 80s. Not that it stands out as particularly shocking, bearing in mind the farce of that moral crusade. I won't delve into the plot. It's a simple story of paranoid Udo Kier struggling internally with some events from his past whilst living with his mistress Fiona Richmond and his transcriber/stalker(?) Linda Hayden. It's a slow build and best not to give much away. It's not the greatest film and definitely feels like exploitation but if you have nostalgia for that era and tone then you're probably gonna enjoy this like I did. It does have a slightly cruel tone and a fair bit of eroticism just don't expect anything particularly shocking as its strengths lie in the atmosphere and slightly strange performances rather than your normal exploitation goodies.