At Lukomorye
After the death of his father, a sea captain, Ilka got even closer to his mother and older sister. Increasingly, he consults with them and reads his poems, laughing while closing his eyes. Zoya, who was in love with Yura Borikovsky, a student of the nautical school, gave him, with the consent of her brother, a cherished notebook with poems to look at. But the very next day, Ilka is forced to take her back, from Yura, who turned out to be a scoundrel.
Release Date : 1969-01-01
Language :Russian
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company :
Production Country :
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Илька
Original Name : Victor Of Carmalita
Gender : Male
Character Name : Зойка
Original Name : Lena Bespalova
Gender : Male
Character Name : Юра
Original Name : Игорь Старыгин
Gender : Male
Character Name : мать
Original Name : Sofya Pavlova
Gender : Female
Character Name : Кирилл
Original Name : Валерий Лысенков
Gender : Male
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