
Pompo the Cinephile

- Bright lights. Big dreams. No experience.

Operating out of the movie capital "Nyallywood," Pompo has been shooting one B-grade entertainment flick after another that anyone would enjoy. One day, Pompo's "movie buff" assistant Gene spots a new script written by Pompo and is moved by its exquisite story. In a fit of passion, he proclaims, "I want to see this as a finished work in theaters as soon as possible!" However, Pompo tells him, "So you shoot this film." Thus, Gene takes on his first directing gig. Meanwhile, Natalie, an ordinary girl who just arrived in town with movie actress dreams, has been discovered by Pompo...

Release Date : 2021-06-04

Language :Japanese

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : CLAPKADOKAWAHappinet Phantom Studiosavex picturesShochikuSTUDIO MAUSUmovicMovie Walker

Production Country : Japan

Alternative Titles : Pompo the CinéphilePompo: The CinéphileEiga Daisuki Pompo San


Konomi Kohara

Character Name : Joel Davidovich 'Pompo' Pomponette (voice)

Original Name : 小原好美

Gender : Female

Hiroya Shimizu

Character Name : Gene Fini (voice)

Original Name : 清水尋也

Gender : Male

Rinka Otani

Character Name : Natalie Woodward (voice)

Original Name : 大谷凜香

Gender : Female

Ai Kakuma

Character Name : Mystia Lyons (voice)

Original Name : 加隈亜衣

Gender : Female

Akio Otsuka

Character Name : Martin Braddock (voice)

Original Name : 大塚明夫

Gender : Male

Ryuichi Kijima

Character Name : Alan Gardner (voice)

Original Name : 木島隆一

Gender : Male

Rikiya Koyama

Character Name : Alan's Boss (voice)

Original Name : 小山力也

Gender : Male

Manabu Sakamaki

Character Name : Corbett (voice)

Original Name : 坂巻学

Gender : Male

Mitsuru Ogata

Character Name : J.D. Peterzen (voice)

Original Name : 小形満

Gender : Male

Hidenari Ugaki

Character Name : Nigel (voice)

Original Name : 宇垣秀成

Gender : Male

Shinya Takahashi

Character Name : Miles (voice)

Original Name : 高橋伸也

Gender : Male

Ayaka Shimizu

Character Name : Nora (voice)

Original Name : 清水彩香

Gender : Female

Ikuko Tani

Character Name : Natalie's Grandmother (voice)

Original Name : 谷育子

Gender : Female

Yoshikazu Nagano

Character Name : Coltman (voice)

Original Name : 永野善一

Gender : Male

Ryusuke Ohbayashi

Character Name : Bank President (voice)

Original Name : 大林隆介

Gender : Male

Iori Nomizu

Character Name : Fran-chan (voice)

Original Name : 野水伊織

Gender : Female



Chris Sawin



There’s something special about _Pompo: The Cinephile_ that just speaks to you. Yes, the animation is stunning and you absolutely adore every character in the film. Martin Braddock’s pickup line about wanting to network socially is hilarious and Mystia is an incredible character; a talented actress that doesn’t let her success go to her head. But the animated film also speaks to both film and art lovers alike. Showing what was discarded in pursuit of your dreams is important to making a life changing film. Pompo’s sweet spot for a fully completed film is 90-minutes and _Pompo: The Cinephile_ ends maybe thirty seconds after that. This makes you feel good and creative at the same time and is exceptional because of it. **Full review:** https://hubpages.com/entertainment/Pompo-The-Cinephile-2022-Review-Tasting-a-Masterpiece