HMS Pinafore
This nautical story of star-crossed lovers kicks off when the Captain of the H.M.S. PINAFORE makes arrangements for his daughter to marry the Lord Admiral of the Navy. However, problems ensue when his daughter reveals she’s in love with a low-ranking seaman aboard her father’s ship. Ironically, the Captain finds himself in a similar position with a dockside vendor called Little Buttercup. The whole situation is turned on its head when Little Buttercup reveals a game-changing secret she has kept for decades... This is no ordinary production of G&S. It fairly zings along, bubbling with joie de vivre, good humour and spice. However, you won't like this version of Pinafore if you're a strict G&S traditionalist. Considerable liberties are taken with the script; two songs are left out and several songs adapted from other G&S operas are added; Act II has been radically changed - and the music is played on three Moog synthesizers, with never a violin in sight!
Release Date : 1997-05-01
Language :English
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company :
Production Country :
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Dick Deadeye
Original Name : Jon English
Gender : Male
Character Name : Ralph Rackstraw
Original Name : Simon Gallaher
Gender : Male
Character Name : Josephine Corcoran
Original Name : Helen Donaldson
Gender : Female
Character Name : The Rt. Hon. Sir Joseph Porter, K.C.B.
Original Name : Drew Forsythe
Gender : Male
Character Name : Captain Corcoran
Original Name : David Gould
Gender : Male
Character Name : Little Buttercup
Original Name : Amanda Muggleton
Gender : Female
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