

- Welcome To The United States

Five friends return home from a marriage in Canada to the United States. Not far from the border, two customs officers stop them to check their identity.

Release Date : 2010-10-19

Language :EnglishFrench

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Melenny ProductionsCapture The Flag FilmsNoodles ProductionLes Films EsplanadeLes Films du Territoire

Production Country : CanadaFrance

Alternative Titles :


Cristina Rosato

Character Name : Michelle Harris

Original Name : Cristina Rosato

Gender : Female

Roc LaFortune

Character Name : Samuel Torrance

Original Name : Roc LaFortune

Gender : Male

Sean Devine

Character Name : Walter Sotos

Original Name : Sean Devine

Gender : Male

Nicole Leroux

Character Name : Leslie Goldberg

Original Name : Nicole Leroux

Gender : Female

Michael Mando

Character Name : Jalii Adel Kahlid

Original Name : Michael Mando

Gender : Male

Alex Weiner

Character Name : Tom Goldberg

Original Name : Alex Weiner

Gender : Male

Stephen Shellen

Character Name : Rick Brautigan

Original Name : Stephen Shellen

Gender : Male

Vlasta Vrana

Character Name : Sheriff White

Original Name : Vlasta Vrana

Gender : Male

Tim Rozon

Character Name : Gabriel Delgado

Original Name : Tim Rozon

Gender : Male

Caroline Redekopp

Character Name : Doris

Original Name : Caroline Redekopp

Gender : Female

Nicola Woloz

Character Name : Rebecca Brautigan

Original Name : Nicola Woloz

Gender : Male

Lena Kleine

Character Name : Rebecca's Mother

Original Name : Lena Kleine

Gender : Female






Started out pretty good, at least as far as these 'getting held against their will by some nutty locals' films goes... But the second half was awful, the acting up until that point had definitly been above average for these kind of films but then we are introduced to a new character who takes the focal point from there. He resembles Bryan Adams if Bryan Adams had the same stylist as model Fabio, and his acting is shockingly bad. Pretty much in the same league as what I imagine Fabio acting would be like. And yeah everything just goes straight to the drain from when he makes his entrance in the film and it leaves us with a very abrupt ending as well. So yeah, first half 6/10, second half 3/10 at best. No likes