Não Vamos Pagar Nada
Life is not easy for anyone and the money is getting shorter for Antonia, who is unemployed. But she doesn't lose her sense of humor even when she gets into a huge mess. Outraged by the increase in prices in the only market in the neighborhood, which on top of that no longer accepts credit, the housewife sets up a scandal and ends up infecting other customers who, like her, have no money to pay the bill.
Release Date : 2020-10-08
Language :Portuguese
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : A Fábrica
Production Country : Brazil
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Antônia
Original Name : Samantha Schmütz
Gender : Female
Character Name : João
Original Name : Edmilson Filho
Gender : Male
Character Name : Margarida
Original Name : Flávia Reis
Gender : Female
Character Name : Policial Civil
Original Name : Fernando Caruso
Gender : Male
Character Name : Sargento da Policia Militar
Original Name : Flávio Bauraqui
Gender : Male
Character Name : Luis
Original Name : Leandro Soares
Gender : Male
Character Name : Funcionário do mercado
Original Name : Criolo
Gender : Male
Character Name : Gerente do Mercado
Original Name : Paulinho Serra
Gender : Male
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