
Sotoba Komachi


Mishima reset the story in a 1950s urban park. At the beginning of the story, five couples are sitting on the benches and embracing. A 99-year-old lady appears in the park to gather cigarette butts. A poet sees her and admonishes her for disturbing the lovers and for using a park bench that rightfully belongs to those in love. They debate life and love. The old lady confesses that when young she was a beautiful woman and was admired by Captain Fukakusa. Upon describing a dance she attended, she and the poet find themselves at the dance, many years earlier, in Rokumei Hall, a ballroom where many handsome men and beautiful women are dancing. Everyone in the ballroom recognizes the old woman as the beautiful Komachi and comment on her beauty.

Release Date : 2013-11-03

Language :Japanese

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country : Japan

Alternative Titles :


Shinobu Terajima

Character Name : Old woman

Original Name : 寺島しのぶ

Gender : Female

Yukiya Kitamura

Character Name : Poet

Original Name : 北村有起哉

Gender : Male


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