

- She's got one night to save her life.

Victoria is a young mother trying to put her dark past as a Russian drug courier behind her, but retired cop Damon forces Victoria to do his bidding by holding her daughter hostage. Now, Victoria must use guns, guts and a motorcycle to take out a series of violent gangsters—or she may never see her child again.

Release Date : 2021-04-16

Language :EnglishPortugueseTurkish

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : March On ProductionsCapstone Group

Production Country : United States of America

Alternative Titles : The Longest Night


Ruby Rose

Character Name : Victoria

Original Name : Ruby Rose

Gender : Female

Morgan Freeman

Character Name : Damon

Original Name : Morgan Freeman

Gender : Male

Patrick Muldoon

Character Name : Agent Monroe

Original Name : Patrick Muldoon

Gender : Male

Julie Lott

Character Name : Governor Ann Driscoll

Original Name : Julie Lott

Gender : Female

Ekaterina Baker

Character Name : Galyna

Original Name : Ekaterina Baker

Gender : Female

Nick Vallelonga

Character Name : Detective Stevens

Original Name : Nick Vallelonga

Gender : Male

Joel Michaely

Character Name : Rayo

Original Name : Joel Michaely

Gender : Male

Miles Doleac

Character Name : Erik

Original Name : Miles Doleac

Gender : Male

Chris Mullinax

Character Name : Detective Kehoe

Original Name : Chris Mullinax

Gender : Male

Ele Bardha

Character Name : Max

Original Name : Ele Bardha

Gender : Male

Richard Salvatore

Character Name : Sniper

Original Name : Richard Salvatore

Gender : Male

Paul Sampson

Character Name : B.J.

Original Name : Paul Sampson

Gender : Male

Dylan Flashner

Character Name : Detective Childs

Original Name : Dylan Flashner

Gender : Male

Bill Luckett

Character Name : Father Thomas

Original Name : Bill Luckett

Gender : Male

Juju Journey Brener

Character Name : Lily

Original Name : Juju Journey Brener

Gender : Female

Reginald Robinson

Character Name : Johnny

Original Name : Reginald Robinson

Gender : Male

Yvan Gauthier

Character Name : Marcel

Original Name : Yvan Gauthier

Gender : Male

Nate Adams

Character Name : Rick

Original Name : Nate Adams

Gender : Male

Gregory Tremain Merrell

Character Name : Billy Smalls

Original Name : Gregory Tremain Merrell

Gender : Male

Leonard Waldner

Character Name : Bodyguard

Original Name : Leonard Waldner

Gender : Male






I actually like Ruby Rose, not a great actress for sure but can be entertaining but she seemed to have quickly devolved into direct-to-video territory with this and her previous film, The Doorman, neither would've gotten a theatrical release even without COVID-19. Anyway, this one could've been passably entertaining if not for the terrible editing, atrocious photography (not sure what was with the green tint or over-saturation of colors in other scenes. Also doesn't help it was predictable. Oh, and Morgan Freeman takes another paycheck, this one spending his entire time in a wheelchair and pretty much in one location. **2.0/5**





This was one of the most painful movies to watch in recent memory, and I watch ALOT of movies. It was more like watching a school film project- from high school. The dialogue consisted of short one-line exchanges, the action and tension were non-existent, the acting is amateurish, the plot paper-thin and overly-convoluted. In fact, the photography and atmosphere were so overly-styled, that they clearly spent FAR more time and money worrying how it was going to look than on the actual story/screenplay. Looong scenes of motorcycle riding, so there's that for any enthusiasts. So much time spent on it, that the short and pointless scenes with people in them seemed to be there just as a jump point to another motorcycle scene. Any vaguely interesting moment was put in the trailer, so if you're still interested, you could probably just watch that and save 1 hour and 31 minutes of your life that you'll definitely want back.





I know that a lot of films require you to suspend reality and accept that what you are watching could happen. I'm fine with doing that IF the film at least tries to convince me with a story that has details which support the events it portrays. This film falls far short of even trying. I enjoy Mr. Freeman's work and gave this one a shot to see what it had in store. Not only does the film not work hard to convince me that the story is possible, the character played by Ms. Rose has such a lack of desire to really resolve her dilemma that it's almost comical. There are multiple violent scenes of people being shot and killed, a lot of time devoted to a motorcycle traveling in and around the city by Ms. Rose's character and the "haunting" portrayal of her daughter calling for her to help her - but it had nothing to do with the story !! The acting was not very convincing at all and left me sorry for watching the entire film just to see if it got any better later on. It didn't. Would not recommend this unless you have nothing better to do.