Don Juan
Women and wine. Always seeking pleasure. Captivating the hearts of countless maidens is the playboy, Don Juan. One night while enjoying the company of a woman as usual, Don Juan angers the Grand Master, the woman's father, which leads to a duel. Don Juan emerges victorious but the Grand Master's dying words are: "Someday love will punish you..." Before long, those ominous words manifest themselves as a curse and an apparition haunts Don Juan. After the incident, unheeding the curse, Don Juan continues to lust insatiably. But as it just so happened, by fate Don Juan meets Maria, the daughter of a sculptor who is creating a statue of the slain Grand Master. And the "curse of love" begins to afflict Don Juan...
Release Date : 2016-10-07
Language :Japanese
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : Takarazuka Revue Productions
Production Country : Japan
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Don Juan
Original Name : 望海風斗
Gender : Female
Character Name : Maria
Original Name : 彩みちる
Gender : Male
Character Name : Don Carlo
Original Name : 彩風咲奈
Gender : Female
Character Name : Raphael
Original Name : 永久輝せあ
Gender : Female
Character Name : Elvira
Original Name : 有沙瞳
Gender : Female
Character Name : Marcelo
Original Name : 縣千
Gender : Female
Character Name : Don Luis
Original Name : 英真なおき
Gender : Female
Character Name : 騎士団長
Original Name : 香綾しずる
Gender : Male
Character Name : Juanita
Original Name : 舞咲りん
Gender : Male
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