

- How far can he go before he goes too far?

Riding across Manhattan in a stretch limo during a riot in order to get a haircut, a 28-year-old billionaire asset manager's life begins to crumble.

Release Date : 2012-05-25

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Alfama FilmsProspero PicturesKinologic FilmsFrance 2 Cinéma

Production Country : CanadaFrance

Alternative Titles :


Robert Pattinson

Character Name : Eric Packer

Original Name : Robert Pattinson

Gender : Male

Juliette Binoche

Character Name : Didi Fancher

Original Name : Juliette Binoche

Gender : Female

Sarah Gadon

Character Name : Elise Shifrin

Original Name : Sarah Gadon

Gender : Female

Mathieu Amalric

Character Name : André Petrescu

Original Name : Mathieu Amalric

Gender : Male

Jay Baruchel

Character Name : Shiner

Original Name : Jay Baruchel

Gender : Male

Kevin Durand

Character Name : Torval

Original Name : Kevin Durand

Gender : Male


Character Name : Brutha Fez

Original Name : K'Naan

Gender : Male

Emily Hampshire

Character Name : Jane Melman

Original Name : Emily Hampshire

Gender : Female

Samantha Morton

Character Name : Vija Kinsky

Original Name : Samantha Morton

Gender : Female

Paul Giamatti

Character Name : Benno Levin

Original Name : Paul Giamatti

Gender : Male

Patricia McKenzie

Character Name : Kendra Hays

Original Name : Patricia McKenzie

Gender : Female

George Touliatos

Character Name : Anthony Adubato

Original Name : George Touliatos

Gender : Male

Abdul Ayoola

Character Name : Ibrahim Hamadou

Original Name : Abdul Ayoola

Gender : Male

Jadyn Wong

Character Name : Cathy Lee

Original Name : Jadyn Wong

Gender : Female

David Schaap

Character Name : Arthur Rapp

Original Name : David Schaap

Gender : Male

Philip Nozuka

Character Name : Michael Chin

Original Name : Philip Nozuka

Gender : Male

Goûchy Boy

Character Name : Kosmo Thomas

Original Name : Goûchy Boy

Gender : Male

Željko Kecojević

Character Name : Danko

Original Name : Željko Kecojević

Gender : Male

Bob Bainborough

Character Name : Dr. Ingram

Original Name : Bob Bainborough

Gender : Male

Warren Chow

Character Name : Arthur's Attacker

Original Name : Warren Chow

Gender : Male

Ryan Kelly

Character Name : Rat Man #1

Original Name : Ryan Kelly

Gender : Male

Nadeem Umar-Khitab

Character Name : Rat Man #2

Original Name : Nadeem Umar-Khitab

Gender : Male

John Batkis

Character Name : Photographer #1

Original Name : John Batkis

Gender : Male

Saad Siddiqui

Character Name : Photographer #2

Original Name : Saad Siddiqui

Gender : Male

Anna Hardwick

Character Name : Photographer #3 - Jenn

Original Name : Anna Hardwick

Gender : Female

Milton Barnes

Character Name : Videographer #1

Original Name : Milton Barnes

Gender : Male

Albert Gomez

Character Name : Counterman

Original Name : Albert Gomez

Gender : Male

Jonathan Seinen

Character Name : Man on Fire

Original Name : Jonathan Seinen

Gender : Male

Inessa Frantowski

Character Name : Woman Holding Rat

Original Name : Inessa Frantowski

Gender : Female






I really enjoyed this Cronenberg film. Though my favourite films of his are the incredible ones he did in my teens, during the 80's ('Videodrome', 'The Dead Zone' and 'The Fly' are nothing short of outstanding, and works that no one else could have come up with), he's really been thinking outside of the box for the past decade (even for a consistently interesting creature such as he), and it's only been recently, with both Sarah Polley and Denis Villeneuve emerging as vital directors, that his ranking as the greatest Canadian director ever has even had suitable competition for comparison. I remembered when this came out, and I believe a critic from 'The Globe and Mail' interviewed Cronenberg at its opening at Cannes, and he was almost apologetic about using Pattinson. It sounded like he didn't want to have to direct him. He made the excuse that he couldn't get funding for his projects from North America anymore, which is a dirty rotten shame, and had to go to Europe and Asia any time he wanted to make a film in order to have it bankrolled, and the Japanese insisted on star power to put moviegoers in the seats, and said there'd only be financial backing if Cronenberg directed Pattinson. This was my first experience watching the actor's work, and he did a fine job, no problem. The supporting cast was strong, with many of my favourite character actors of late, such as Paul Giamatti and Jay Baruchel. The script, co-written by Cronenberg, was a strong statement about just how out of touch the very rich are with the other 99% of us. I docked my mark by 1/10 because I was pissed off that Cronenberg degraded one of the finest actresses of our lifetime, Juliette Binoche here. I can't even talk about it. It was as difficult for me to tolerate as Spike Lee having Christopher Plummer call Jodie Foster something awful in the otherwise excellent 'Inside Man'. Lee's off my Christmas card list for sure this year, but Cronenberg being a fellow Canadian (I bet you thought I was going to say white, hahaha), I'll be less angry. But he better look over his shoulder if he tries something like THAT again. I was THAT close to crossing HIM off my Christmas card list too... I also remember from the time the film came out, an article and rating on the film (I think it was 'The Globe and Mail' as well, and by the same critic who had earlier interviewed him), saying that when he watched it, he watched a few teenage girls leaving the theatre (most probably because Pattinson was in it), saying it was the worst movie they had ever seen. That's the only evidence you need that this is a fine movie, well worth your time.